Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array Kit

Contains 8 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 15 different stem cell marker antibodies
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siRNA-mediated Knockdown of PDGF R alpha, PDGF R beta, and cAbl Upregulates Expression of Pluripotent, Mesoderm, and Endoderm Markers.
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Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array Kit Summary

Kit Summary

A membrane-based antibody array for the simultaneous detection of 15 established stem cell markers.

Troubleshooting Guide

Key Benefits

  • Verifies stem cell identity
  • Detects 15 stem cell markers simultaneously
  • Easier to perform than a Western blot
  • Requires no specialized equipment
  • The array protocol can now be performed with a smaller sample size! Save more of your valuable stem cell cultures by simultaneously detecting pluripotency and germ layer markers using lysate from only 1 well of a 24-well plate.


Why Use an Antibody Array to Detect Multiple Stem Cell Markers in Parallel?

Examining the expression profile of stem cells can be expensive, time-consuming, and can require specialized equipment. For example, microarrays are expensive and require specialized equipment. Similar expression analyses can be achieved by performing multiple immunoprecipitaions and Western blots, although these techniques are also time-consuming.

To address this need, R&D Systems offers the Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Antibody Array Kit. This rapid, sensitive, and economical multiplex assay allows users to determine if their cells express markers of pluripotency consistent with undifferentiated cells or if the cells express markers consistent with differentiation towards lineages such as the trophectoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. No specialized equipment is needed as data are obtained by chemiluminescence.

The Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Antibody Array Kit:

  • Is a sensitive multiplex tool to verify stem cell identity using 15 stem cell markers.
  • Has a protocol that can be completed with just 5.5 hours of hands-on time.
  • Is more efficient than other techniques used to establish pluripotency.
  • Does not require specialized equipment.


Kit Contents

Each kit contains eight nitrocellulose membranes spotted with 15 different antibodies printed in duplicate to detect stem cell markers. Buffers, biotinylated detection antibodies, streptavidin-HRP, and chemiluminescent reagents are included to enable the detection of stem cell markers from cell lysates.

  • 8-well Rectangular Multi-dish
  • Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array - 8 nitrocellulose membranes each spotted with 15 different antibodies to stem cell markers printed in duplicate
  • Array Buffer 1
  • Array Buffer 2 Concentrate (5X)
  • Array Buffer 3
  • Chemi Reagent 1
  • Chemi Reagent 2
  • Detection Antibody Cocktail, Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array
  • Lysis Buffer 16
  • Streptavidin-HRP
  • Transparency Overlay Template
  • Wash Buffer Concentrate (25X)

Analytes Detected by this kit:

  • Oct-3/4
  • Nanog
  • SOX2
  • E-Cadherin
  • Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
  • GATA-4
  • HNF-3 beta/FoxA2
  • PDX-1/IPF1
  • SOX17
  • Otx2
  • TP63/TP73L
  • Goosecoid (Gsc)
  • Snail
  • VEGF R2/KDR/Flk-1
  • HCG

Stability and Storage

Store the unopened kit at 2 °C to 8 °C. Do not use past kit expiration date.


Shipping Conditions
The product is shipped with polar packs. Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature recommended below.
Store the unopened product at 2 - 8 °C. Do not use past expiration date.

Product Datasheets

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Scientific Data

siRNA-mediated Knockdown of PDGF R alpha, PDGF R beta, and cAbl Upregulates Expression of Pluripotent, Mesoderm, and Endoderm Markers. Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were transfected into mesenchymal stem cells by electroporation. Knockdown was verified by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis (data not shown here). Cell lysates from siRNA-treated cells were used in the Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Antibody Array (Catalog # ARY010) to examine relative expression levels of mesoderm, endoderm, and pluripotent markers. The images represent nitrocellulose membranes following chemiluminescent detection of bound analytes. Each of the array markers has duplicate spots, which are boxed to highlight their identity. A. Scrambled (Scr) siRNA-treated mesenchymal stem cells. B. Knockdown of PDGF R alpha upregulated pluripotent markers (Oct-3/4, Nanog, SOX2, and E-Cadherin) as well as markers of the mesoderm and endoderm compared to Scr. C. Knockdown of PDGF R beta upregulated expression of Snail, SOX17, VEGF R2, Oct-3/4, and Nanog compared to both Scr and PDGF R alpha knockdowns. D. Knockdown of cAbl upregulated pluripotent markers (Nanog, Oct-3/4, E-Cadherin, and SOX2) compared to Scr in addition to markers of the endoderm and mesoderm.Adapted from Ball, S.G. et al. (2012) Stem Cells 30:548.

Small Sample Lysate Volume Used to Detect Germ Layer Markers in Differentiated Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. BG01V human embryonic stem cells were differentiated into mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm using the differentiation supplements included in the Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Functional Identification Kit (Catalog # SC027B). Following differentiation in a 24-well plate, a single well of confluent cells was lysed in 100 µL of lysis buffer and analyzed using the Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Antibody Array (Catalog # ARY010). The differentiation supplements upregulated expression of the germ layer markers (A) Snail, (B) Sox17, and (C) Otx2 compared to undifferentiated cells. Immunocytochemistry for the same markers (Snail, Catalog # AF3639; Sox17, Catalog # AF1924; and Otx2, Catalog # AF1979; red) followed by staining with the appropriate NorthernLights™-conjugated Secondary Antibodies and counterstaining with DAPI (blue) is consistent with data obtained by array analysis.

Assay Procedure

Refer to the product datasheet for complete product details.

Briefly, the expression of stem cell markers is assessed using the following procedure:

  • Incubate cell lysates with the antibody-spotted array
  • Add biotinylated detection antibodies
  • Add streptavidin-HRP reagents
  • Detect signal by chemiluminescence


Reagents Provided

Reagents Supplied in the Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Antibody Array Kit (Catalog # ARY010)

  • 8-well Rectangular Multi-dish
  • Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array - 8 nitrocellulose membranes each containing 15 different antibodies to stem cell markers printed in duplicate
  • Array Buffer 1
  • Array Buffer 2 Concentrate (5X)
  • Array Buffer 3
  • Chemi Reagent 1
  • Chemi Reagent 2
  • Detection Antibody Cocktail, Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array
  • Lysis Buffer 16
  • Streptavidin-HRP
  • Transparency Overlay Template
  • Wash Buffer Concentrate (25X)
Other Supplies Required


  • Aprotinin
  • Leupeptin (Catalog # 1167)
  • Pepstatin (Catalog # 1190)
  • Deionized or distilled water


  • Pipettes and pipette tips
  • Gloves
  • Plastic containers with the capacity to hold 50 mL (for washing the arrays)
  • Plastic transparent sheet protector (trimmed to 10 cm x 12 cm and open on three sides)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Paper towels
  • Absorbent lab wipes
  • Autoradiography cassette
  • X-ray film (Kodak® BioMax Light-1) or equivalent
  • Flat-tipped tweezers


  • Rocking platform shaker
  • Microcentrifuge
  • Film developer
  • Flatbed scanner with transparency adapter capable of transmission mode


Procedure Overview

Add 1 mL of Array Buffer to each well of an 8-well multi-dish.

Add 1 mL of Array Buffer to each well of an 8-well multi-dish.

Place each membrane that will be used in one well of the 8-well multi-dish. The number on the membrane should be facing upward.

Incubate for one hour on a rocking platform shaker. Orient the tray so that each membrane rocks end to end in its well.

Place each membrane that will be used in one well of the 8-well multi-dish.

Replace the Array Buffer with prepared samples containing cell extract, Array Buffer 1, and Lysis Buffer for a final volume of 1 mL.

Incubate overnight at 2 °C to 8 °C on a rocking platform.

Wash each array 3 times with Wash Buffer in a separate container.

Wash each well of the 8-well multi-dish.

Replace the Array Buffer with prepared samples containing cell extract, Array Buffer 1, and Lysis Buffer for a final volume of 1 mL

Add 1 mL of diluted Biotinylated Detection Antibody Cocktail into each well.

Add the array to the well.

Incubate for 1 hour on a rocking platform.

Wash each array 3 times with Wash Buffer in a separate container.

Wash each well of the 8-well multi-dish.

Add 1 mL of diluted Biotinylated Detection Antibody Cocktail into each well

Add 1 mL of diluted Streptavidin-HRP to each well.

Add the array to the diluted Streptavidin-HRP.

Incubate for 30 minutes on a rocking platform.

Wash each membrane 3 times with Wash Buffer in a separate container.

Wash each well of the 8-well multi-dish.

Add 1 mL of diluted Streptavidin-HRP to each well

Place the array on a plastic sheet protector.

Add 0.5 mL of the prepared Chemi Reagent Mix evenly onto the array.

Cover the array with the top sheet of the plastic protector and incubate for 1 minute.

Blot off excess Chemi Reagent Mix.

Wrap the array and sheet protector in plastic wrap.

Place the wrapped array in an autoradiography film cassette and expose to film.

Place the array on a plastic sheet protector

Citations for Proteome Profiler Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Array Kit

R&D Systems personnel manually curate a database that contains references using R&D Systems products. The data collected includes not only links to publications in PubMed, but also provides information about sample types, species, and experimental conditions.

24 Citations: Showing 1 - 10
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  1. A Novel Cell-Based Model for a Rare Disease: The Tks4-KO Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line as a Frank-Ter Haar Syndrome Model System
    Authors: L László, H Maczelka, T Takács, A Kurilla, Á Tilajka, L Buday, V Vas, Á Apáti
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022-08-08;23(15):.  2022-08-08
  2. The H3K27M mutation alters stem cell growth, epigenetic regulation, and differentiation potential
    Authors: N Kfoury-Bea, R Prakasam, S Pondugula, JS Lagas, S Matkovich, P Gontarz, L Yang, H Yano, AH Kim, JB Rubin, KL Kroll
    Bmc Biology, 2022-05-30;20(1):124.  2022-05-30
  3. The IL-6R and Bmi-1 axis controls self-renewal and chemoresistance of head and neck cancer stem cells
    Authors: AE Herzog, KA Warner, Z Zhang, E Bellile, MA Bhagat, RM Castilho, GT Wolf, PJ Polverini, AT Pearson, JE Nör
    Cell Death & Disease, 2021-10-23;12(11):988.  2021-10-23
  4. The role of FOSL1 in stem-like cell reprogramming processes
    Authors: V Pecce, A Verrienti, G Fiscon, M Sponziello, F Conte, L Abballe, C Durante, L Farina, S Filetti, P Paci
    Scientific Reports, 2021-07-19;11(1):14677.  2021-07-19
  5. Generation of ORIONi001-A induced pluripotent stem cell line for in vitro modeling of sporadic form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    Authors: J Strnadel, R Zahumenska, V Nosal, M Smolar, J Marcinek, M Kalman, S Juhas, J Juhasova, H Studenovsk, H Dumortier, T Chromec, H Skovierova, B Mitruskova, I Kapralik, S Mersakova, D Brany, E Halasova
    Stem Cell Res, 2020-09-04;48(0):101981.  2020-09-04
  6. GLUT1 and TUBB4 in Glioblastoma Could be Efficacious Targets
    Authors: MR Guda, CM Labak, SI Omar, S Asuthkar, S Airala, J Tuszynski, AJ Tsung, KK Velpula
    Cancers (Basel), 2019-09-05;11(9):.  2019-09-05
  7. Human osteogenic differentiation in Space: proteomic and epigenetic clues to better understand osteoporosis
    Authors: A Gambacurta, G Merlini, C Ruggiero, G Diedenhofe, N Battista, M Bari, M Balsamo, S Piccirillo, G Valentini, G Mascetti, M Maccarrone
    Sci Rep, 2019-06-06;9(1):8343.  2019-06-06
  8. Purinergic Signaling Pathway in Human Olfactory Neuronal Precursor Cells
    Authors: H Solís-Chag, E Flores-Sot, M Valdés-Tov, MG Cercós, E Calixto, LM Montaño, C Barajas-Ló, B Sommer, A Aquino-Gál, C Trueta, GA Benítez-Ki
    Stem Cells Int, 2019-04-02;2019(0):2728786.  2019-04-02
  9. CDK1 interacts with Sox2 and promotes tumor initiation in human melanoma
    Authors: D Ravindran, Y Luo, JJ Arcaroli, S Liu, LN KrishnanKu, DG Osborne, Y Li, JM Samson, S Bagby, AC Tan, WA Robinson, WA Messersmit, M Fujita
    Cancer Res., 2018-10-08;0(0):.  2018-10-08
  10. Targeting PDK4 inhibits breast cancer metabolism
    Authors: MR Guda, S Asuthkar, CM Labak, AJ Tsung, I Alexandrov, MJ Mackenzie, DV Prasad, KK Velpula
    Am J Cancer Res, 2018-09-01;8(9):1725-1738.  2018-09-01
  11. Tumor-Activated Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Promote Osteosarcoma Stemness and Migratory Potential via IL-6 Secretion
    PLoS ONE, 2016-11-16;11(11):e0166500.  2016-11-16
  12. Hand1 overexpression inhibits medulloblastoma metastasis
    Authors: Swapna Asuthkar
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2016-06-11;0(0):.  2016-06-11
  13. Small cell lung cancer: Circulating tumor cells of extended stage patients express a mesenchymal-epithelial transition phenotype
    Authors: G Hamilton, M Hochmair, B Rath, L Klameth, R Zeillinger
    Cell Adh Migr, 2016-02-26;10(4):360-7.  2016-02-26
  14. Simultaneous inhibition of EGFR/VEGFR and cyclooxygenase-2 targets stemness-related pathways in colorectal cancer cells.
    Authors: Valverde A, Penarando J, Canas A, Lopez-Sanchez L, Conde F, Hernandez V, Peralbo E, Lopez-Pedrera C, De la Haba-Rodriguez J, Aranda E, Rodriguez-Ariza A
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  15. Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Microvesicles Transmit RNAs and Proteins to Recipient Mature Heart Cells Modulating Cell Fate and Behavior.
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  16. Characterization and propagation of tumor initiating cells derived from colorectal liver metastases: trials, tribulations and a cautionary note.
    Authors: James M, Howells L, Karmokar A, Higgins J, Greaves P, Cai H, Dennison A, Metcalfe M, Garcea G, Lloyd D, Berry D, Steward W, Brown K
    PLoS ONE, 2015-02-06;10(2):e0117776.  2015-02-06
  17. Increased cycling cell numbers and stem cell associated proteins as potential biomarkers for high grade human papillomavirus+ve pre-neoplastic cervical disease.
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    Authors: Liu L, Salnikov A, Bauer N, Aleksandrowicz E, Labsch S, Nwaeburu C, Mattern J, Gladkich J, Schemmer P, Werner J, Herr I
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  19. Sulforaphane and TRAIL induce a synergistic elimination of advanced prostate cancer stem-like cells.
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  20. The novel c-Met inhibitor cabozantinib overcomes gemcitabine resistance and stem cell signaling in pancreatic cancer.
    Authors: Hage C, Rausch V, Giese N, Giese T, Schonsiegel F, Labsch S, Nwaeburu C, Mattern J, Gladkich J, Herr I
    Cell Death Dis, 2013-05-09;4(0):e627.  2013-05-09
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  22. Inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling regulates Oct4 and Nanog expression, cell shape, and mesenchymal stem cell potency.
    Authors: Ball SG, Shuttleworth A, Kielty CM
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    Oncogene, 2011-08-08;31(11):1354-65.  2011-08-08


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